The Magic of Classes

3 Skin Care Classes


3 Facial Per Week

based on 3 attending and $200 average sales for 2.5 hours a class


based on 1 attending and $75 average sales for 1 hour a makeover


3 classes x 3 people = 9 new customers/week


3 facials x 1 person = 3 new customers/week

9 customers = 36 new customers/month


3 customers = 12 new customers/week

36 customers = 432 new customers/year


12 customers = 144 new customers/year


$200 low average skin care class sales


$75 average facial sales

3 classes x $200 = $600 sales/week


3 facials x $75 = $225 sales/week

$600/week = $2400/month = $1200 profit/month


$225/week = $900/month = $450 profit/month

$14,400 sales profit/year


$5,400 sales profit/year


Average $30 reorder every 3 months


Average $30 reorder every 3 months

Every customer orders $120 per year


Every customer orders $120 per year

432 customers x $120 = $51,840 = $25,920 reorder profit/year


144 customers x $120 = $17,280 = $8,640 reorder profit/year


432 new customers per year


144 new customers per year

Share opportunity with half = 216 interviews


Share opportunity with half = 72 interviews

Recruiting rate of 1:5 = 42 new recruits/year


Recruiting rate of 1:5 = 14 new recruits/year

The difference is ... 

432 new customers/year


144 new customers/year

$14,400 sales profit/year


$5,400 sales profit/year

$25,920 reorder profit/year


$8,640 reorder profit/year

42 new recruits/year = Directorship


29 new recruits/year = Car Achiever




By holding facials instead of classes, you are leaving over $26,000 profit  PLUS recruiting commissions on the table!!!